Local Benefits


Sienna Solar Center is the latest of over a dozen projects Avantus, formerly 8minute, has developed in California. Just as with all of our projects, we strive to bring positive change to San Bernardino County and local communities.

Below is a brief snapshot of the benefits this project will bring at the local level.


Community Involvement

Avantus is committed to being a good neighbor, which means taking the time to understand Lucerne Valley’s values and needs and identifying opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways. We believe that local communities should benefit from businesses operating in the area. As the project progresses, we are excited to support and partner with local organizations in Lucerne Valley. 

Local organizations and events we have partnered with to support include:

  • 2023 Lucerne Valley Fireworks

  • Lucerne Valley Middle/High School P.E. Uniforms

  • Lucerne Valley Roadrunners Christmas Toy Drive

  • Lucerne Valley Youth Project Christmas Toy Giveaway

  • Lucerne Valley Roadrunners Independence Day Family Carnival

  • Lucerne Valley Youth Project Chili Cook Off

  • Lucerne Valley Chamber of Commerce

  • Lucerne Valley Senior Center Family Meals

  • H.E.L.P. Mojave Down-Home Hoedown

  • H.E.L.P. Mojave Safety Supplies

  • The Children’s Fund

  • Victorville CHP CHiPs for Kids

  • And more to come!

We’d love to hear from you. We want to learn about local projects, events, and programs that will enhance your community and leave a lasting impact. As a renewable energy company, we are especially interested in educational endeavors that will inspire and support the next generation of scientists, engineers, and tradespeople to take the industry to new heights. Please share your thoughts with us here.


Economic Opportunities

Over the course of its lifetime, Sienna Solar Center is expected to generate millions in local tax revenue that can go toward an array of services like schools, public safety, and street services.

During the construction phase, Sienna is estimated to create approximately 500 well-paying construction jobs over 12 to 24 months. Local restaurants, markets, and more will also likely see a significant uptick in business throughout the construction period. 

We prioritize hiring locally whenever possible and plan to secure labor agreements with multiple unions, as we have with all of our other projects in California. Upon completion, we expect to employ up to 15 employees in full-time operations, security, and maintenance roles.

Interested in learning more about employment and training opportunities? For our past projects, job fairs and training programs were hosted in partnership with the project team, labor unions, and local stakeholders, and we expect the same for Sienna Solar Center. As the project progresses, we’ll share relevant information on job fairs and employment opportunities here on the website. 



Sienna Solar Center will produce and store 525 MWac of clean solar energy, helping to offset hundreds of thousands of metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.  

Our fundamental business strategy aims to secure energy independence, while addressing air pollution and protecting public health. Our projects, like Sienna, are helping to make this a reality. In addition to the environmental benefits of solar power, sustainability is central to Avantus’ company culture and impacts every aspect of our approach from project design to construction and operations. 

We are proud of our reputation for environmental stewardship. Our past projects have garnered support from respected groups including the Sierra Club, Audubon California, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.